Opening Hours

Usk Nursery is open:
Monday – Friday between 8:45am and 3.15pm during term time, excluding bank holidays and INSET days.
Fees will be:
Preschool & Rising 3's
Half day session (08:45 – 12:45) = £25.00
Full day session (08:45 – 15:15) = £40.00
2 Year old's
Half day session (8:45 - 12:45) = £27.50
Full day session (08:45 - 15:15) = £44.00
Breakfast club (8:00 - 08:45am) = £6.00 - open to all ages
Payment is due in advance for each term and no refunds are given for absence. Invoices will be sent out on a half-termly basis with payment due in advance for each half term.
Funding will be made available from Monmouthshire Early Years the term after your child’s 3rd birthday for term-time sessions. You may also be eligible for a further 20 hours childcare funding. Please see "The Childcare Offer for Wales" at https://gov.wales/get-30-hours-childcare-3-and-4-year olds for further information and to check eligibilty.